Brent Drum was born in 1970 graduating from Fresno High School in 1988. He always wanted a career in law enforcement.
In 1998 he enrolled in the Fresno Police Academy. He began his career as a reserve officer for Kingsburg P.D. before accepting a full time position with them in 2000.
He began working with K9's and discovered he loved it. He was promoted to Sargent in 2003 and was named Officer of the Year for Kingsburg P.D. in 2007.
He joined Clovis P.D. in 2010. Officer Drum is currently Range Master, driver training instructor, K9 master instructor and K9 swat handler.
Adding to his busy public service career he accepted a part time instructor position in Afghanistan to train Navy Seals, Special Forces, Delta Force and the Afghanistan Army in K9 handling.
At home in Clovis he carries the traditions with his work with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Brent comes to work every day with his K9 Jax. He is married and had 2 children.