Alan Fry received the Community Award, Service of Veterans, in 2017 for his lifetime commitment to serving his Country and fellow Military Veterans.
Fry lived in Clovis, Fresno, and Sanger. He enlisted in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War and retired from the Navy Reserve after twenty-four years of service. His many community volunteer activities included an active devotion to his fellow veterans of the Clovis-Fresno area. He owned Alan Fry Construction. His teaching career of over 30 years included teaching science at Clark Intermediate School.
Fry served for three years as Commander of the Clovis Cecil Cox Post 147 of the American Legion. He was also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars #3225 in Clovis, the AMVETS, Clovis Post 2011, and the Vietnam Veterans of America Post 993.