Stan King was inducted into the Clovis Hall of Fame in 1997 for his service to the public. He was a member of the Clovis Personal Commission from 1972-74, later becoming mayor from 1976-78. After a few short years of Stan was "drafted" by the people to fill a vacant position, pushing him to run for another term on the City Council and serving a second time, as mayor in 1984. Stan was instrumental in the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Department of Motor, Sierra Vista Mall projects. Stan then Became the Clovis Memorial District Manager, serving until his retirement in January 1995. Retirement was short, having been called back to oversee the remodeling of the old Clovis High Scholl complex into a community park and the new San Joaquin Valley of Law School building. Stan also served as a member in the Lions Club, Clovis Rodeo Association for 21 years (as president 1986-90), and American Cancer Society Fundraiser.