George Hollesen was inducted into the Clovis Hall of Fame in 1990. His parents were Danish immigrants who farmed grapes and oranges in the early days of Clovis. In 1942, Hollesen became a partner in the Clovis Feed Mill until 1950 when he joined the team at Penny-Newman Grain Company as a salesman. He eventually rose to vice-president of the company where he remained until 1987. Hollesen served both the Clovis Elementary and Clovis High School Boards before Clovis Unified School District's unification. He was also a member of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce, a founding board member of the Sugar Pine Christian Camp, a member of the Dairy Feed Committee of California Board of Directors, a Church Deacon and Sunday School Superintendent, and a member of the San Joaquin Valley Association of American Baptists. In 2005, Hollesen was presented with a plaque commemorating a large magnolia tree planted by his father in 1914. The tree, located on the south side of Bullard Avenue east of Freeway 168, originally sat on rural land owned by the senior Hollesen.
