George and Margaret met in the 1930's through Church and married in 1936.
They moved to Clovis in 1940 where George went to work for Chapman's Drug Store located at Clovis Ave. and 5th St. In 1945 George bought the drug store from Mr. Chapman and renamed it Gage Drug Store. The lunch counter was a popular meeting place for the "high school gang" with delicious sandwiches and a fountain that served hot fudge sundaes, milk shakes and so much more!
George ran for Clovis City Council in 1952 and served from 1952-1960.
The drug store thrived through the 50's and 60's, but with so many corporate stores opening in Clovis, he decided to close the store in 1965. He worked for other pharmacies until 1979.
George passed away in 1979 and to fill the gap in her life Margaret did volunteer
work at the church, St. Agnes Hospital, and took communion to the sick. In 1996 she received the Benemerenti award from Pope John Paul II for a lifetime of service to the church. Margaret passed away in 2002.